What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning. Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy
Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.
By davidpetraitis, on April 3rd, 2011 The Guardian has an good opinion piece which cites the surprising support from environmentalists like George Monbiot and Stewart Brand for nuclear power even after Fukushima.They contend that nuclear is better than coal, and that makes it imperative to the future. But the Guardian points out, nuclear will not go anywhere without large government support because of the uncertainties . . . → Read More: The cost of nuclear – incalculable
By davidpetraitis, on January 7th, 2011 I read an article in Infoworld by Bill Snyder Hackers find new way to cheat on Wall Street — to everyone’s peril which reports on some work done at MIT. The gist of the hack is that by packet insertion in your competitor’s transaction stream you can slow down their trades by a few microseconds. In the HFT world this may mean that . . . → Read More: High Frequency Trading hacking
By davidpetraitis, on November 4th, 2010 According to Wired’s ‘Danger Room’ the Air force is asking for research proposals to degrade the enemies minds… . . . → Read More: Neuroscience for war
By davidpetraitis, on November 3rd, 2010 Treehugger reports that Urbee has developed a prototype car whose exterior was completely 3D printed using Stratasys’ 3D printing technology. The goals of the car were admirably ecological:
1. Use the least amount of energy possible for every kilometre traveled. 2. Cause as little pollution as possible during manufacturing, operation and recycling of the car. 3. Use materials available as close as possible . . . → Read More: How to print a car
By davidpetraitis, on October 27th, 2010 The US actually ranks today, sixth in global innovation-based competitiveness; 11th among industrialized nations in the fraction of 25- to 34-year-olds who have graduated from high school; 16th in college completion rate; 22nd in broadband Internet access; 24th in life expectancy at birth; 27th among developed nations in the proportion of college students receiving degrees in science or engineering; 48th in quality of K-12 math and science education; and 29th in the number of mobile phones per 100 people. These are clear areas where we should positively WANT our government to get involved, and to spend money, but if the current climate of political divisiveness endures for the next 2 years in a hung Congress, or even for the next 6 years of a potential Obama second term, the consequences for America’s future will be dire. . . . → Read More: I thought we’re number 1! Nope, how about 20-something?
By davidpetraitis, on October 26th, 2010 Ray Ozzie of Microsoft issues a not quite clarion call to embrace what is technologically inevitable. If we can’t stop the train then we better run to get on it. . . . → Read More: To fearlessly embrace what is inevitable
By davidpetraitis, on October 26th, 2010 The Blythe solar power facility, will be the first parabolic trough solar facility approved on U.S. public land. It will consist of four 250 MW plants that together will deliver 1,000 MW of nominal generating capacity, or enough electricity to annually power more than 300,000 single-family homes. . . . → Read More: New solar investment in California