Huffpost exposes the Banker/University nexus

Universites have become merely conduits for recruitment of suckers for a financial rent taking. Huff Post exposes in an article how Goldman Sachs has done this to EDMC. . . . → Read More: Huffpost exposes the Banker/University nexus

Complexity brake on understanding the brain

Paul Allen has written in Technology Review on his view contra Kurzweil: The Singularity Isn’t Near . He mentions the “complexity brake” on scientific progress. . . . → Read More: Complexity brake on understanding the brain

Radiation in Tokyo

The AFP reports that radiation of nearly evacuation levels has been found just north of Tokyo in a neighborhood belonging to the capital city.

Japanese media said researchers found radiation levels of 3.35 microsieverts per hour along a street in the west of the capital — 220 . . . → Read More: Radiation in Tokyo

The “very scary” Iranian Terror plot

Glenn Greenwald is great on irony in this article on The “very scary” Iranian Terror plot. All in all it does look like the administration is manufacturing reasons to get tough with Iran, producing a faked-up and improbable smoking gun to justify McCain’s refrain “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran.”

Universities, Democracy and Bankers

Someone posted to a Facebook friend a lament on the decline of Universities in the US. To which I responded. I edit the response here.

Actually you have to look through your simple conception of the University, it’s place in education, and the needs of the elites as they have grown to power in the US. Universities were once part and parcel of . . . → Read More: Universities, Democracy and Bankers

Economic with the truth / Late reports of plutonium 40 km from Fukushima

The Japan online had a nice way of putting it in their Report of long-range plutonium find tardy. The speed of updating the Japanese public on the potential health hazards has struck me previously in my blog. I found this amazing in this latest post:

“Plutonium . . . → Read More: Economic with the truth / Late reports of plutonium 40 km from Fukushima

Single dose of hallucinogen may create lasting personality change

Single dose of hallucinogen may create lasting personality change. If you really would like to change your personality. I noted that as usual the researcher recruited students – more that half the participants had postgrad degrees. And most of them had spiritual leanings. Interesting result though for even a small sample size.


Chinese Capitalism: The new world standard

The Chinese model of capitalism is becoming the new (lower) world standard. Anti-worker and anti-regulation activism on the part of even “new” capitalists, will lead to abuse with impunity on the part of American employers. . . . → Read More: Chinese Capitalism: The new world standard

Keep the homes fires burning

Kyoto bans burning wood from Iwate prefecture for a Fire Festival because it contains radioactive Cesium.

In other reports mushrooms and fruit are having radioactive problems. The food chain in Japan is becoming seriously compromised.



Fukushima wheat: throw current harvet away, but OK to plant again

My humble opinion: One of the consequences of the Fukushima disaster will be long-term disruption and security concerns in the food chain, both land and ocean based. . . . → Read More: Fukushima wheat: throw current harvet away, but OK to plant again