What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.

Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy

Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.

Albert von Szent-Gyorgy

Values and Interests

It occurs to me that the whipsawing of the US position on Egypt over the past few weeks was due to a perceived conflict between our values and our interests.

There are legitimate interests in the stability of Egypt: the treaty and continued peace with Israel, the Suez canal, the bulwark against terrorism and Islamic extremism.

On the other hand there are the . . . → Read More: Values and Interests

Egypt: The lesson in nonviolence for 2011

I am in tears of wonder at the courage and continuing nonviolence of the protesters in Egypt. Many on the news have held up Martin Luther King Jr. in the Western interviews. Many stated over and over again today they are will to die. One said in Tahrir Square tonight ” Give me Liberty or Give me Death.” The people in the USA . . . → Read More: Egypt: The lesson in nonviolence for 2011

Journalists attacked in Cairo – advance notice of bloody crackdown

The recent attacks on all sorts of journalists by pro-Mubarak thugs probably means that the government is planning a bloody clearing of Tahrir Square that they want to shield from the eyes of the world.

Everything comes back to the same thing

It’s funny how the mind works. I was reading on line tonight about weather… one of my favorite pastimes. And I followed a link about the potential for a white Christmas in Altanta and I read there:

It won’t happen overnight, but metro Atlanta is expected to receive its first white Christmas since the Chester Arthur administration.

And I searched on Chester Arthur, . . . → Read More: Everything comes back to the same thing

Afghanistan: Connecting the government to the people

the US Army is now deploying the Abrams M1 tank for the first time in the Afghan war. “The tanks bring awe, shock and firepower,” an officer says. And recalling Vietnam’s ironic dismissal of the misuse of too much firepower “We had to destroy the village in order to save it,” another officer argues that blowing up Afghan homes and fields “connects the government to the people.” . . . → Read More: Afghanistan: Connecting the government to the people