What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning. Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy
Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.
By davidpetraitis, on July 9th, 2012 The notion that jobs are what is needed, rather than a decent, rewarding way of life for all, is in itself a perversion, more smoke and mirrors intended to confuse working people regarding their own needs and desires. No one needs a “job.” What is needed is a meaningful and rewarding lifestyle. Most people are willing to work, and even work hard, in order to achieve such a lifestyle, . . . → Read More: Mole in the ground
By davidpetraitis, on May 25th, 2012 It’s worth thinking about how governments could decide to organize their finances. From New Economics Perspectives:
…nations can’t run out of money and can buy anything for sale in their own borders, including all labor resources, that means that their governments can spend what they need to spend to help solve the problems they encounter. They can afford job guarantees for anyone wanting . . . → Read More: Job Guarantee, free education, universal health care… what more could you want?
By davidpetraitis, on October 19th, 2011 Mike Konczal at Rortybomb has a new post out: Richard Fischer Chernyshevsky ; Kocherlakota, the Scrivener, on the ways in which the tactics of inflation targeting from Richard Fisher imitate one of Lenin’s advisors:
Richard Fisher is a voting member on Federal Reserve monetary policy, and thus one of the crucial figures in determining how and when we come out of this recession. . . . → Read More: V.I. Lenin’s ghost at the Federal Reserve
By davidpetraitis, on October 17th, 2011 This reminds me of an old joke:
After losing to IBM in a rowing race the top management of Digital Equipment convened a special meeting to find out what went wrong. They interviewed the rower for the event and he said: “They had eight guys rowing and one guy calling out “Stroke… Stroke…” We had only me rowing and 8 managers . . . → Read More: Immelt: Row Harder!
By davidpetraitis, on October 10th, 2011 Someone posted to a Facebook friend a lament on the decline of Universities in the US. To which I responded. I edit the response here.
Actually you have to look through your simple conception of the University, it’s place in education, and the needs of the elites as they have grown to power in the US. Universities were once part and parcel of . . . → Read More: Universities, Democracy and Bankers
By davidpetraitis, on September 27th, 2011 The Chinese model of capitalism is becoming the new (lower) world standard. Anti-worker and anti-regulation activism on the part of even “new” capitalists, will lead to abuse with impunity on the part of American employers. . . . → Read More: Chinese Capitalism: The new world standard
By davidpetraitis, on December 14th, 2010 I’m starting a new tag and a new category of posts with this. I am going to start following unemployment for now. There is so much pain out there, 10 days from Christmas 2010, that I just think that we need to reflect on what our country is doing to itself through its elected officials.
I will start with a primer on unemployment . . . → Read More: Unemployment