What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning. Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy
Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.
By davidpetraitis, on October 7th, 2015 I was able to attend Steven Jenkinson’s talk on the occasion of his first book tour in New York City for Die Wise – A Manifesto for Sanity and Soul. He was accompanied most ably on Washburn guitar by Gregory Hoskin who provided a subdued musical counterpoint to Steven’s speech throughout the hour and a half talk. He told a few stories from the book about people who somehow miss the fact that they were, or are dying. He noted throughout that our culture is death phobic. We flee it. We refrain from talking about it, in what he terms “death voodoo” as if our mentioning dying may cause the thing mentioned to come to pass sooner. With these stories he pointed last night obliquely away from the death phobic culture, and yet in his discourse the outlines of the death embracing alternative culture remained elusive for me. I believe that this is the positive side, that he probably reaches somewhat further in the book than I have read so far, and in his Orphan Wisdom School. . . . → Read More: Steven Jenkinson – Die Wise
By davidpetraitis, on February 10th, 2015 Many people want to believe, without adequately reflecting on it, in technological solutions to the problem of climate change. I believe that these solutions will not be forthcoming, and pose risks. I discuss nine hurdles that any technological solution for climate change must address and overcome. I see the possibility of doing this as vanishingly small, and the possibility for severe negative, toxic side effects as non-trivial. I don’t think there is a technological fix to climate change in our future. . . . → Read More: Limits to the feasibility of technological solutions to climate change
By davidpetraitis, on September 15th, 2014 We expect Near Term Human Extinction due to global climate and habitat destruction at some point within a short period (20-40 years). This implies large scale human die-off – gigadeaths, billions of humans; potentially all 7-plus billions of us will die. The proximate causes of death I name the Four Horsemen. In this essay we look at the current climate NOT as an EFFECT of human activity but as a CAUSE of large scale deaths. . . . → Read More: The Four Horsemen of Near Term Extinction