What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.

Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy

Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.

Albert von Szent-Gyorgy

Deutsche files harassing foreclosure case against son of foreclosure activist

HuffPost has an article on the scare tactics of Deutsche Bank against one of the acknowledged experts in foreclosure fraud: Ms. Lynn Szymoniak. She has fought her own foreclosure, and it was thrown out of court once already. But now Deutsche has named her son as a co-defendant in the foreclosure, even though he is not on the note and has no interest . . . → Read More: Deutsche files harassing foreclosure case against son of foreclosure activist

For all the gold in Fort Knox

There have been many disparagers of the Federal Reserve and its control over the currency recently and there are also many Gold-Bugs in commodity land touting buying gold. I was wondering actually how any return to a non-fiat currency would take place. The US economy’s GDP released on Friday is approximately $14.872 billion according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis site. This was a sharp upward revision to a growth rate of 3.1 and knocked down commodity prices, including gold. Many of the Gold-Bug people decry the “fiat money” and the Federal Reserve, and would like to get rid of the Fed and return to a Gold Standard or a hard money standard. But, all the gold in Fort Knox, if allowed to underpin the dollar at current market values, would cover about 1.5% of the needs of the US economy. . . . → Read More: For all the gold in Fort Knox

Catch-22: Americans abroad have problems with local bank accounts

In an absurd manner the Obama administration has chosen with the passing of FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Comliance Act) to penalize almost ALL US Citizens living abroad while trying to close loopholes for tax cheats. This will of course have a profound long term negative effect on US export competitiveness, but the administration does not care. The penalties and the reporting requirements are . . . → Read More: Catch-22: Americans abroad have problems with local bank accounts

Throw the Taxpayers under the bus

I love reading Yves Smith at Naked Capitalism…. if only because she can come out with these type of quotes:

this proposal is just another example of throwing taxpayers under the bus to save the banks from suffering the consequences of their incompetence and criminality.

The article in total is a great indictment of the Administration’s program to get rid of Freddie and . . . → Read More: Throw the Taxpayers under the bus

Freddie/ Fannie-Barney Frank Liberal conspiracy to sell poor people too much house.

RJ Eskow wrote a piece in the Huffington Post on the Administration’s proposal to clean up the foreclosure mess. I will comment on it separately later. But I want to use it to deal with a long conversation I had with a friend about how the ideology from people on the right seems to try to blame a liberal conspiracy of Fannie/Freddie and . . . → Read More: Freddie/ Fannie-Barney Frank Liberal conspiracy to sell poor people too much house.

Flordia Lawyer cited for contempt of court in Foreclosure fraud

Well it seems that the lawyers in Florida are the first to taste the wrath of the courts in Foreclosuregate. The Palm Beach Post notes that a local lawyer was cited in contempt of court for presenting fake documents. It seems that they were declared lost, then filed later, then apparently were for another property. Laughable.

A day after federal mortgage giant Fannie . . . → Read More: Flordia Lawyer cited for contempt of court in Foreclosure fraud

Legacy entity slieght of hand at Bank of America

Dr. Philip Neches has an analysis at the Huffington Post of the Bank of America (BAC) announcement that they will separate 1.3 million of their mortgages into a new entity. This is a “good bank / bad bank” strategy. Bank of America will now try to resolve the loans that it places in the bad bank at low impact on its own balance sheet. I wonder how it is going to do this. IF the entity becomes separate from BAC they could take out a short on it though… or they could securitize the entity in tranches and sell off the more toxic stuff to some idiots. If they could buy a AAA from some supine rating firm, then they could get a good price for the securities. Does this sound familiar? . . . → Read More: Legacy entity slieght of hand at Bank of America

Obama did not reach out to help homeowners

Pro Publica posts a nice article on the failure of the Administration to enact legislation enabling courts to modify the principal and terms of a primary residence mortgage in a bankruptcy.

Before he took office, President Obama repeatedly promised voters and Democrats in Congress that he’d fight for changes to bankruptcy laws to help homeowners—a tough approach that would force banks to modify . . . → Read More: Obama did not reach out to help homeowners

Bank of America (Countrywide) sued by investors for fraud

The endgame of Foreclosuregate is starting. According to the Wall Street Jounal Bank of America through its purchase of Countrywide, and Countrywide’s ex-CEO Angelo Mozilo are being sued for hundreds of millions of dollars in fraud allegations. Separately, Shashien Nasiripour at the Huffington Post reports that the Congressional Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission will call for prosecution of fraudulent behavior on the part of principals on Wall Street. Obviously these are part of the first moves by the investor class to take to task the predatory and fraudulent mortgage origination practices that led to the meltdown of the global financial system. This will play out over many years in the courts and in Congress . . . → Read More: Bank of America (Countrywide) sued by investors for fraud

The bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people – Oscar Wilde

It seems according to Reuters, that Congress is ever divided. The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission has failed to produce a consensus explanation of the 2007-2009 banking debacle, as it was asked to do in May 2009. Not two partisan viewpoints, nay that would be mere bickering, we will have three reports (or Thrice, if you follow Conan…). While I love debate that makes both our legislators and the people who have elected them to represent them think hard on the issues, the lack of closure in many of the current debates along what Reuters describes as familiar Washington “ideological fault lines” is worrying for the Republic in my humble opinion. . . . → Read More: The bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people – Oscar Wilde