What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.

Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy

Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.

Albert von Szent-Gyorgy

Men and women tonight in Iraq and Afganistan

I don’t know how to say this. I love what you are doing and wish that you did not have to do it. I respect the patriotism that you show and abhor at the same time the false patriotism of those in Washington who, while sleeping tonight safe in their beds, put you cold, on the ground in harms way.

I sleep tonight . . . → Read More: Men and women tonight in Iraq and Afganistan

Foreclosure-gate is a ‘cancer’

This is a great video by Christopher Whalen on Bloomberg. He is saying some of the things which are going to be working out over the next few years in the slow motion of foreclosures. The knock on effects will work out as a long downward pressure on asset classes, not a single Lehman like event: You guys in in the media have a very tough time. You’re looking for events. You’re trying to cover the news minute by minute. This is cancer. . . . → Read More: Foreclosure-gate is a ‘cancer’

QE2’s like unintended consequences

The Fed has announced quantitative easing 2 known by the QE2 moniker. The expectations that this alone can raise the level of economic growth in the US is definitely overstated. The Financial Times however points at two other adverse consequences which may turn up in the next 12 months:

…other countries are likely to counter what they view as an unnecessarily disruptive surge . . . → Read More: QE2’s like unintended consequences

Level Playing Field of Dreams

Simon Johnson suggests in a post Foreign Money, National Security, And The Midterm Elections that there is a equality among nations in their investment strategies, leading the US to gain significant inflows of foreign investment, while US companies invest outside the US. This is a false equality. There are self inflected actions which are changing this drastically against America. The current Administration, despite campaign promises to create a level playing field for Americans to compete internationally, has continued and intensified IRS persecution of overseas Americans and so-called US persons. . . . → Read More: Level Playing Field of Dreams

Toxic Citizens

The U.S. government taxes expatriate citizens on their worldwide income regardless of where it is earned or where they live, making them the only people in the developed world who are taxed in both their country of citizenship and country of residence…these rules are getting tougher and the penalties more draconian by the year… experts see a declining foreign investment in America. . . . → Read More: Toxic Citizens

New class of people: corporations

It seems that we, in the US have now a new class war. There are now two classes of people – corporations and people. People get to vote with their votes once every two years, and corporations get to vote with their dollars all the time.

People get kicked out of their house when they are unemployed and bankrupt, and corporations get bailed . . . → Read More: New class of people: corporations

Chinese top supercomputer ranking

The NY Times reports Chinese will probably top the Supercomputer rankings for the first time, November first, but not the last….

Eclipse of America

Since many of the things I am reading lead me to conclude that the American people are out of touch with what made America great I am starting a new Category on the Eclipse of America. Now most of us know – and fear – that the country that eclipses America in the 21st century will be China. But other countries too are . . . → Read More: Eclipse of America