What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.

Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy

Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.

Albert von Szent-Gyorgy

Great Secret of Mind

As usual I have been reading extensively on consciousness – with a particular interest in spiritual development. I was reading Tulku Pema Rigstal’s The Great Secret of Mind, and was severely disappointed in his holding onto outmoded patterns of thought, for a youthful teacher teaching non-duality in the 21st century several of his images were dated and culturally biased. Granting that his translator, . . . → Read More: Great Secret of Mind

How Governance became Unethical

Today I received a talk on “How Governance Became Unethical” (the link will download the slides for you) by my friend Prabhu Guptara. This is excepted from my email conversation with him.

I read the slides and I have to admit that I have lots of problems with them. He seems to posit the problem as a generalized, cultural-moral evolution without a driving . . . → Read More: How Governance became Unethical