What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.

Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy

Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.

Albert von Szent-Gyorgy

China’s Rise, America’s Fall

I may start reading the American Conservative more if they keep putting out such well thought out and researched articles as this one by Richard Unz: China’s Rise, America’s Fall. In it Unz takes the book from Acemglou and Robinson, Why Nations Fail, and applies it to the American Conservative’s cover theme of China’s Rise and Merica’s Decline. He points out:

Against the . . . → Read More: China’s Rise, America’s Fall

Buddha Standard Time: It’s Now

Lama Surya Das, a buddhist monk who grew up a Jewish kid from Long Island, writes pithily in this book on the sense of time and the Dharma:

It’s always now. Not earlier, not later, not yesterday, not tomorrow, but right now.

Debt and civilization

Michael Hudson traces the history of debt, war and credit in this interview that we review. . . . → Read More: Debt and civilization