What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.

Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy

Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.

Albert von Szent-Gyorgy

Will Obama find those shoes?

Michael Monk over at Firedoglake found a very great video snippet. I am shamelessly copying the link from the video from his blog post here so you can look at the video in embedded style…

Obama says:

And understand this: If American workers are being denied their right to organize and collectively bargain when I’m in the White House, I will put . . . → Read More: Will Obama find those shoes?

More Firing at the Teachers

The NY Times today had a longish article by Matt Bai on Governor Christie of New Jersey which contrasted his communications strategy with that of the NJ Teachers union. It was somewhat unfavorable for the Union. Christie the stand-up comedian against the whining, ad hominem and off topic meandering of the heads of the teachers. I, for one, would wish that the teachers . . . → Read More: More Firing at the Teachers

Providence fires all its teachers

Apparently there is a widespread anti-union movement among local governments. The Providence Journal reports that in that city in Rhode Island ALL of the teachers are being terminated… not laid off. This seems to be a blatant ploy by the School Board to break the union, and to restructure radically the teaching profession in that state.

PROVIDENCE — After two hours of contentious . . . → Read More: Providence fires all its teachers

NJ Man sentenced to jail time in mortgage fraud scheme

Bloomberg reports that it seems finally jail terms are being given for mortgage fraud. Though reading between the lines it seems this guy was an originator who falsified mortgage documents that he passed on to Fannie. It isn’t clear if consumers were caught up in this fraud as well.

The former president of a New Jersey-based mortgage company has been sentenced to 14 . . . → Read More: NJ Man sentenced to jail time in mortgage fraud scheme

Revolution University

Foreign Policy has a beautiful article called “Revolution U” on the Center for Applied NonViolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS). The group grew out of The Serbian resistance – Otpor, which means Resistance. The tactics they teach and have taught in over 50 countries) are a distillation of clear nonviolent revolution of the sort which was successful in Tunisia and Egypt.

I have long . . . → Read More: Revolution University

White male privileges considered

I am participating in the Leadership Training Institute at the Crown Height Community Mediation Center and in the latest meeting on Diversity one of my colleagues (who it was escapes me at this moment… my apologies! … hat tip forthcoming) mentioned that there was a very good essay on white privilege and male privilege by Peggy McIntosh.

I realized long ago that I . . . → Read More: White male privileges considered

Wisconsin protesters sought by police… the State’s Senators.

USA Today says that indeed the Wisconsin State Troopers are seeking the Democratic leader of the Senate. Arrested voter. The Wisconsin Senate Democrats went AWOL to protest the cutting of benefits to state workers and the gutting of the their rights as members of unions. . . . → Read More: Wisconsin protesters sought by police… the State’s Senators.

May I have permission to reincarnate, please?

The Times of India notes under a provocative headline that a New Chinese law is aimed at wiping out Tibetan identity. I was particularly struck by the law’s requirement that Tibetans seek permission for reincarnation (presumably prior to death since I don’t think Communists can access that Bardo state). . . . → Read More: May I have permission to reincarnate, please?

Values and Interests

It occurs to me that the whipsawing of the US position on Egypt over the past few weeks was due to a perceived conflict between our values and our interests.

There are legitimate interests in the stability of Egypt: the treaty and continued peace with Israel, the Suez canal, the bulwark against terrorism and Islamic extremism.

On the other hand there are the . . . → Read More: Values and Interests

Flordia Lawyer cited for contempt of court in Foreclosure fraud

Well it seems that the lawyers in Florida are the first to taste the wrath of the courts in Foreclosuregate. The Palm Beach Post notes that a local lawyer was cited in contempt of court for presenting fake documents. It seems that they were declared lost, then filed later, then apparently were for another property. Laughable.

A day after federal mortgage giant Fannie . . . → Read More: Flordia Lawyer cited for contempt of court in Foreclosure fraud